This next week I will share my thoughts and overall review of “Anne of Green Gables.” Even though I grew up hearing about this beloved series and watching the television show, I never took the time to read the books. So, as an adult, I have finally started reading them. Without saying too much, I have to say that I’m in love, and as a way to celebrate entering the world of Anne Shirley, I will be creating some of the most iconic drinks and foods from the first book. Join me in celebrating one of the most beloved series by creating one (or all) of the recipes and sharing your favorite quote from “Anne of Green Gables” below! ♡
Raspberry Cordial
“’ Now, please help yourself, Diana,’ she said politely. ‘I don’t believe I’ll have any just now. I don’t feel I wanted any after all those apples.’
Diana poured herself out a tumblerful, looked at its bright-red hue admiringly, and then sipped it daintily.
‘That’s nice, Raspberry cordial, Anne, she said. “I didn’t know Raspberry cordial was so nice.’
‘I’m real glad you like it. Take as much as you want. I’m going to run out and stir the fire up. There are so many responsibilities on a person’s mind when they’re keeping house, right?
When Anne came back from the kitchen, Diana was drinking her second glassful of cordial; and, being entreated thereto by Anne, she offered no particular objection to the drinking of a third. The tumblerfuls were generous ones and the raspberry cordial was certainly very nice.
‘The nicest I ever drank,’ said Diana. “It’s ever so much nicer than Mrs. Lynde’s, although she brags of hers so much. It doesn’t taste a bit like hers.’”
(Anne of Green Gables, Chapter 16)
While Diana of course was not drinking Raspberry cordial (how she did not realize I do not know) it is still one of the most iconic drinks from this series. I am allergic to raspberries unfortunately, so I used strawberries instead and, in Anne like fashion, I just imagined they were raspberries.
Raspberry Cordial Recipe
24 ounces raspberries fresh or frozen
1 1/4 cups sugar
3 lemons
4 cups water
1. Combine raspberries and sugar in a saucepan.
2. Cook on medium-high heat until all the sugar has dissolved (for around 20 minutes). Mash any remaining berry pieces.
3. Pour the mixture through a fine mesh strainer. Strain twice if you want to ensure no pulp gets through. Add the lemon juice from two of the lemons.
4. Boil the water, and then add it to the raspberry syrup in a large pitcher. Let the mixture cool, and then chill it all the way in the fridge.
5. When you are ready to serve, slice the remaining lemon. Pour cordial into glasses and top with a lemon slice.
Serve with either fresh, filtered water or sparkling water for something special and add mint leaves for flavor and garnish and enjoy!
Marilla’s Famous Yellow Plum Preserves
“’Everything is ready, Diana, except my cake which I’m to make in the morning, and the baking-powder biscuits which Marilla will make just before teatime. I assure you, Diana, that Marilla and I have had a busy two days of it. It’s such a responsibility having a minister’s family to tea. I never went through such an experience before. You should just see our pantry. It’s a sight to behold. We’re going to have jellied chicken and cold tongue. We’re to have two kinds of jelly, red and yellow, and whipped cream and lemon pie, and cherry pie, and three kinds of cookies, and fruit cake, and Marilla’s famous yellow plum preserves that she keeps especially for ministers, and pound cake and layer cake, and biscuits as aforesaid; and new bread and old both, in case the minister is dyspeptic and can’t eat new. Mrs. Lynde says ministers are dyspeptic, but I don’t think Mr. Allan has been a minister long enough for it to have had a bad effect on him. I just grow cold when I think of my layer cake. Oh, Diana, what if it shouldn’t be good! I dreamed last night that I was chased all around by a fearful goblin with a big layer cake for a head.’” (Anne of Green Gables, Chapter 21)
Marilla’s Famous Yellow Plum Preserves Recipe
6 cups yellow plums, diced and pitted (keep the skins on)
4.5 cups sugar
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup water
1. Combine all ingredients and bring to boil slowly, stirring occasionally, until sugar is dissolved.
2.Simmer for up to two hours stirring frequently to prevent sticking.
3. Pour into sterilized jars.
While I’m not the biggest fan of plums I have to say that yellow plum preserves are quite delicious. This recipe is a little more tedious as you have to keep an eye on them for some time but I think it is worth it.
Anne’s Liniment Cake
“’Anne Shirley!’ she exclaimed, ‘what on earth did you put into that cake?’
‘Nothing but what the recipe said, Marilla,’ cried Anne with a look of anguish. ‘Oh, isn’t it all right?’
‘All right! It’s simply horrible. Mr. Allan, don’t try to eat it. Anne, taste it yourself. What flavoring did you use?’
‘Vanilla,’ said Anne, her face scarlet with mortification after tasting the cake. ‘Only vanilla. Oh, Marilla, it must have been the baking powder. I had my suspicions of that bak—’
‘Baking powder fiddlesticks! Go and bring me the bottle of vanilla you used.’
Anne fled to the pantry and returned with a small bottle partially filled with a brown liquid and labeled yellowly, ‘Best Vanilla.’
Marilla took it, uncorked it, smelled it.
‘Mercy on us, Anne, you’ve flavored that cake with ANODYNE LINIMENT. I broke the liniment bottle last week and poured what was left into an old empty vanilla bottle. I suppose it’s partly my fault—I should have warned you—but for pity’s sake why couldn’t you have smelled it?’
Anne dissolved into tears under this double disgrace.
‘I couldn’t—I had such a cold!’ and with this she fairly fled to the gable chamber, where she cast herself on the bed and wept as one who refuses to be comforted.
(Anne of Green Gables, Chapter 21)
Anne’s Liniment Cake Recipe
2 cups all-purpose flour, sifted
1 tablespoon baking powder
Pinch of salt
1 1⁄4 cups sugar
1.5 cup melted butter
1 cup milk
3 large eggs
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract (not anodyne liniment)
2 - 9-inch round cake pans.
large mixing bowl.
measuring cups.
measuring spoons.
wooden spoon.
electric mixer.
small bowl.
rubber spatula.
2 cooling racks.
oven mitts.
metal spatula.
1. Grease and flour the cake pans. Pre-heat the oven to 350*F.
2. Measure out the sifted flour, baking powder, salt and sugar and mix together in the large bowl.
3. Add the melted butter and the milk to the flour mixture and stir with the wooden spoon.
4. Beat the mixture for 1 minute with the electric mixer.
5. Break the eggs into the small bowl. add them with the vanilla to the cake batter, then beat with the mixer for another 3 minutes, constantly scraping down the sides of the bowl with the rubber spatula.
6. Pour the cake batter evenly into the two cake pans. Bake for 25 - 30 minutes.
7. Test the cakes with a toothpick. When they are done, use oven mitts to take them from the oven. Let them cool in the pan for 10 minutes.
8. Slide the blade of the metal spatula around the edges of the cakes to loosen them from the pans.
9. Place one of the cakes on a cooling rack. Place a second cooling rack on top. Hold the two racks together and flip the whole thing over. The cake is now upside-down on the rack.
10. Gently lift off the pan and transfer your cake to a plate. Repeat with the other cake.
11. Let the two layers cool completely before frosting. (I used vanilla cream cheese frosting)
Poor Anne! I just knew that something was bound to go wrong. While this was very much Marilla’s fault I can imagine Anne’s shame and mortification in this instance. I know I would feel the same if I was in her shoes. I wish Marilla had done more to make up for this but well, I love her anyways!
There are so many recipes I would like to try but I will say these are a lot of fun. What’s exciting are all the recipes that are bound to found in the next books as I go a long. I also want to find some time of art or craft to do pertaining to this story. If anyone has any suggestions that would be much appreciated! In closing I hope someone enjoyed at least one of these recipes and was able to take the time to appreciate the world L.M. Montgomery created! Now all there is for me to do is get into a dress with puffed sleeves!
Which recipe is your favorite?
Share a favorite quote from "Anne of Green Gables"
What recipes should I try next?
Montgomery, Lucy Maud. Anne of Green Gables. Wordsworth Editions, 2018.